The Canadian 10 CWT G. S. Trailer.
This vehicle was
designed so that it could be towed, primarily, behind a Willys Scout Car (jeep)
{ this is the terminology used in the Design Records Vol. V11, the Canadian term
is W-LU 440-M-PERS-1 (Willys Light Utility Military 4 wheels, 4
wheel drive, 80 inch wheelbase, Personnel, 1st Model). It was also called
the Light Utility, then Car 5 Cwt, } either singularly, or in train
of from one(1) to three(3) trailers, it's purpose being of that of a General
Service trailer with payload limit to 10cwt. ( One Hundredweight - cwt.=
112lbs), The trailer was fitted with a rotation head to the tow eye for use with
the C.M.P. The development was in three stages:
Outside Length
Outside Width at
top .............................. 43-1/8"
Outside Width at
bottom ........................ 37-7/16"
Outside Height
....................................... 27-7/8"
Inside Length
......................................... 72-1/4"
Inside Width at
top ................................ 43-1/8"
Inside Width at
bottom .......................... 32"
Inside Height
......................................... 24"
Height from
ground to top of body ....... 48-1/2"
Body Proper
.......................................... 325 lbs
Flat tarpaulin
......................................... 15
Attaching stock
..................................... 6
Gross weight
......................................... 346
The body is
mounted on a 10 cwt. Trailer Chassis - Code 10-P, equipped with 6.00 x 16 Tyres
D. M. & S
Schedule of Drawings
........................................................................... S
D. M. & S File
73 - T - 73
Trailer Code
10 - P - GS - 1
Body Code Number
10 - E - 1
Pilot Model
Approval Number
F 142
Engineering Report
E 117
Manual Number
B - 8
Sources :-
Brantford Coach & Body Ltd. & Frost & Wood Co. Ltd.
Description of Body:
The substructure
- Five (5) cross sills- are fabricated of hardwood, the ends fitting into and
being protected by the rub rails of the body. There are no longitudinal sills.
The floor is of 7/8" hardwood spaced at 3/32". The steel framework of the body
is of 14 ga. H.R.B.A. steel. The body panels, side, front and rear are of 5/8"
hardwood boards, spaced at 3/32".
The body is
attached to the chassis by means of six (6) double 3/8" bolts with 3/8" plate
beneath the chassis frame. Three (3) lashing hooks and two (2) lashing cleats
are attached to each side panel with a single lashing cleat bolted to the center
of the front and rear panels, in order to secure the flat tarpaulin. The fenders
are attached to the rub rails of the body by means of two (2) horizontal braces.

Outside Length
Minimum at Gross weight, at the U-Bolts ...... 7-3/4"
Outside Width at
top .............................. 43-1/2"
Angle of Approach ........................................... 14 degrees
Outside Width at
bottom ........................ 31-1/4"
Angle of Departure ......................................... 19
Outside Height
....................................... 25"
Inside Length
......................................... 75-1/2" (c)
Inside Width at
top ................................ 41-1/2"
D. M. & S Schedule of Drawings ................ S 342712
Inside Width at
bottom .......................... 31-1/8"
D. M. & S File Number ...............................73-T-73-1
Inside Height
......................................... 21-3/4"
Trailer Code Number .......................... 10 - P - GS - 2
Height from
ground to top of body ....... 48-1/2"
Body Code Number ..................................... 10 - E - 2
Pilot Model Approval Number ......................... F 254
Experimental Engineering Report ................... E 535
Body Proper
.......................................... 259 lbs Maintenance Manual Number .................... S
B - 8A
Flat tarpaulin
......................................... 15
lbs Sources :- Brantford Coach & Body Ltd. &
Attaching stock
..................................... 6
lbs Frost & Wood Co. Ltd.
Gross weight
......................................... 280 lbs
The body is
mounted on a 10 cwt. Trailer Chassis - Code 10-P, equipped with 6.00 x 16 Tyres
Description of Body:
The substructure
- Three (3) cross sills fabricated of 14ga H.R.B.A. steel, with persite pads to
provide compression for the mounting bolts. The ends of the cross sills fit into
and are protected by the rub rails of the body. Two(2) stub longitudinal sills
are lace welded to the underside of the floor. The floor is of 14 ga H.R.B.A.
steel plate, with a bolting flange running the full length of each side. The
side panels are formed of 18 ga H.R.B.A. steel, the rub rails being formed as an
integral part of the panel. Bolting flanges are welded to the front and
rear of each panel. Corrugations are embossed into the panels to act as
stiffeners. Lashing cleats and hooks are attached to the side, front and rear
panels to secure the flat tarpaulin. Straps are provided at the left side of the
front panel in order to stow the tarpaulin when not in use. A "T" Market is
attached to the rear panel. The fenders are attached to the rub rails by means
of two (2) horizontal braces.