Drawing Description **** New
Listing |
Pic |
Drawing File No. |
Ignition Wires, Lengths &
fittings includes the Coil lead |
ign-wire.pdf |
Bracket, Headlight support (attached to
fender panel) GPW-13078 (2 Drawing Set)
hl-brk.gif &
hl-brk-2.pdf |
Accelerator Linkage Complete
assembly Incl. Engine Mounting plate,Linkages,Blocks & Tabs
**** |

Acc-Link-Assemb.pdf |
Torque Reaction Spring, with W-O
& Ford Difference Includes Both Springs and Straps **** |
tq-sprng.pdf |
Torque Reaction Spring , Bolt
Lock Assembly **** W-O A6236 FM-GPW 5601 |
tq-sprn2.pdf |
Shroud, Radiator, GPW ( 3 Drawing Set )**** |
8146-1,-2,-3.pdf |
Shroud, Radiator, Willys MB ( 2 Drawings) New Jan 2014 | | R-shroud-MB.pdf |
Radiator Stay Rod - From Cowl to
Radiator **** |
rad-rod.pdf |
Cowl Drain, Modification
**** |
takrenne.pdf |
Air Cleaner Mounting Bracket,
OUTER [Nearest Fender]**** |

Air-CB.pdf |
Air Cleaner Mounting Bracket,
INNER **** |
Air-CB2.pdf |
Radiator Grill Wiring harness
steel strap under lip above H/L opening**** |
Grilclip.pdf |
Radiator Grill Mounting Bracket,
Frame attached **** |
Grill-Mt.pdf |
Brace, Generator, Mounting Bolts
(2 x Stepped Bolts)**** |
Bolt-gen.pdf |
Horn Bracket FORD **** |
Horn-bkF.pdf |
Horn Bracket WILLYS
**** |
Horn-bkW.pdf |
Bracket Oil Filter Mounting
Straps (Two Straps holding Oil Filter to Mounting bracket**** |
oil-fb-2.pdf |
Bracket-Assy-Oil Filter Mounting
GPW-18863 WO-A-1247 |
18863 Oil Filter Bracket 3
drawing set.pdf |
Bracket, Support, Oil Filler Pipe
(Tube support to Oil Filter Bracket) W-O A5105 FM-GPW 6670
Tube-CMP.pdf |
Shield, Air Cleaner Assembly
GPW-9647 WO-A-642 |
9647.pdf |
USMC Lift (Hold down) Rings Measured
from Originals. Fitted to rear and front

liftring.pdf |
Air Deflector, Slat Grill, Under
Hood W-O A-2977 (First 25,808 vehicles) W-O A-2979 (later) |
air-deft.pdf |
Air Deflectors, Radiator - Slat
Grill - Left and Right sides **** |
slatair2.pdf |
Bracket, Grease Gun,Under
hood,(3 Drawing Set ) |
greasegh,greasegh2,greasegh3.pdf |
Bracket,Grease Gun,Reio. Plates
Under Hood |
greasegh4.pdf |
Battery Support, Tray only MB
ONLY standard ( Not two piece type) ****(2 Drawing Set
) |
MB-battry,-battry2.pdf |
Battery Support - SLAT GRILL 2 Piece - Trays & Location
** 2 Drawing Set |
Slatbatt.gif &
Slatbat2.pdf |
JEEP Grill - Individual parts to make repairs and replace broken or missing
pieces or to make a complete slat grill
All measurements are from an original grill
which are different to the current reproduction grills.
Now Available Click on The Camera Icon to see the
Part A
& H Black Out Light Bracket
& Wiring Harness Tabs
B & C Vertical Ribs and Vertical Ribs Inner Head Light
Part D & I Top Frame Bracket
& Lower Frame Bracket and
dimensions of the complete grill
E Head Light Ring
Side Brace To Fender
G Black Out Light Frame
Brace |
Ask for the lot
( 6 Drawings )
or individual drawing by Part
drawings in pdf format. |
Battery Support, Frame Attached
bat-sup.pdf |
Frame, Hold down, Battery
FM-GPW-5165 WO-A-1291 |
batrytop.pdf |
Strap & J-Bolt, for Battery
Hold Down (above) |
batstrap.pdf |
Tandem Hitch, W-O A-7927(
Includes the Wood Block A-8105) 5 Drawing Set |
Tandem1, 2, 3, 4,
5.pdf |
20 Photos, By Claude Pons &
Frank for construction purposes also available |
Bracket, Circuit Breaker, Under Dash

Brace, Generator, (w/handle)
FM-GPW-10153-A, WO-A-1491 (complete) 3 pieces |
10153.pdf |
Brace, Gen., Short FM-GPW-10143, WO-A-1399, Guide Adj. Gen. FM-GPW-10162, WO-A-1400 |
Lubrication Chart Holder, two
piece, under hood (3 drawing set ) |
lube-1, 2, &
3.pdf |
Photos available from Frank of
Original, suitable for construction purposes. |
Hood Block, Wood with Insert
(after MB 218345) GPW 16849, W-O A-4683 |
hoodwood.pdf |
Mounting Tab, Fender to Frame,
(Fender Repair Drawing) GPW type |
tab-fend.pdf |
Frame, Side Rail from Front X
member to front end (Includes Loc.of front spring hangers) |
f-frame.pdf |
Bumper Bar, Front
GPW-17750 |
17750.pdf |
Bumper/Gusset Spacer tube
**** |
A-1120.pdf |
Gusset, Frame to
Bumper |
17750-g.pdf |
Filler, Front Bumper Bar, Wood
GPW 17751, W-O A-1147 (2 Drawing set ) |
17751 &
17751e.pdf |
Plate Support, Capstan Winch
Awaiting More Measurements |
Under Review |
T-1 Compressor Mounting
Brackets |
Comp-brk.pdf |
Compressor box coming
soon. |