Australian Vehicle Markings Part 2.
(Infantry Divisions)
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1st.Australian Infantry Division image is of an Aboriginal man with a spear,
and if you recall, I mentioned that a British book on this subject was the
worst, describing it as an "Athlete with a Javelin", to an Australian it's
quite obvious what it's meant to be. Curiously it was painted white
on a black ground. A brief history - This division was formed
in December of 1941, raised in New South Wales, used mainly as a training
division and didn't see service outside the Commonwealth of Australia..
The 2nd. Australian
Infantry Division has a Penguin in black and white with
a black Boomerang, unlike the other Divisional signs, there was no ground
used, and was placed over the usual background of the vehicle to which it
was affixed. A brief history - The Division was raised in 1942, saw
service in New South Wales and Western Australia. ( I haven't completed
research into this Division)
3rd. Australian Infantry Division used a familiar animal, that of the Koala
( not Koala Bear) and
Boomerang, both in white on a black ground. Photographs from the
Australian War Memorial
archives show that at least in New Guinea, this
symbol was at times reversed and the Koala faced the opposite direction. A
brief history - This division was raised in 1942, saw active service along
the Kokoda Trail in New Guinea against the Japanese. Battle honours were
won at Salamaua, Buna, the Huron Gulf and Markham Valley, later going to
Bougainville in the Solomons.
4th.Australian Infantry Division, an Echidna ( Spiny Ant Eater) and Boomerang,
both in white on a black ground. A brief history - Initially
designated York Force ( After Cape York, that area of Queensland
nearest New Guinea separated only by the Torres Straight) raised in 1943,
this force commanded that area until September 1944, disbanded in October
1944 after the threat of a Japanese invasion subsided.
The 5th Australian Infantry Division - see
Part 1 of this section.
6th Australian Infantry Division, used the famous image of the Kangaroo and
Boomerang, The Kangaroo was taken from the Australian penny of 1939, on
later pennies, like that used from the mid 1950's up to 1966, ( Australia
changed to decimal currency on Feb. 14th.1966) the hump of the
Kangaroo's back isn't so pronounced. In several photographs
Military Police jeeps had a border of what appears to be Yellow or Red
surrounding the sign. In Part 3 of Vehicle markings
the Official location of these Tac. signs shows the sign should be applied
to the left side windshield sheeting of jeeps, however, the M.P. photos
show it applied to the right. A brief history -The 6th.
Div. was the first 2nd. A.I.F. ( the 1st.A.I.F. was in WW1) division
formed, raised on 12th.October 1939, two weeks after war was declared
against Germany. Transported to the Middle East, to fight the Italians and
Germans in Bardia, Tobruk, Derna, Giarubub and Benghazi. After suffering
great losses, and their first defeat after moving to Greece and Crete, the
Division was moved back to Egypt. Reequipped and re-manned the Division
saw action against the Vichy French in Syria. Due to the threat of the
Japanese to Australia, the 6th were returned to Australia in 1942, by
orders of the Australian Prime Minister, much to the chagrin of the
British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill who wanted the 6th. to remain in
the Middle East. It was immediately sent to New Guinea and fought the
Japanese around Buna, Salamaua, Danmap River and Wewak. The 6th. Division
is arguably the most famous of the Australian Divisions.
7th Australian Infantry Division used the Kookaburra and Boomerang, first
designed in 1940 it was always meant to be in two colours, White and Brown,
but due to a single colour being easier to apply in the field it was not
used, although directives were issued that the white was to be touched up
with brown after applying the stencil. For ease of recognition the plain
all white "Kooka" was applied to vehicles, trailers and other equipment.
brief History - Served in the Middle East with the 6th. Division, took
part in the defence of Tobruk with the 9th Division ( The Famous Rats of
Tobruk), Fought alongside of the 6th against the Vichy French in
Syria, before returning to fight in New Guinea against the Japanese.
Battle honors were won in and around Finschafen, Lae, Markham and Ramu
Valley's and Madang and Hansa Bay areas.
8th. Australian Infantry Division
, a white Emu on a white Boomerang with black
ground. There seems to be several different versions of the Emu, one with
both legs down, and another with one raised foot. Very little information
is available due to the short WW2 fighting history of this ill fated Division..
brief history - The 8thDivision, after setting off from Sydney, N.S.W.
along with the 6th. and 7th. Divisions, were diverted to Malaya and the
defence of Singapore, under the command of the British, fought the
Japanese in a rear guard action back along the Malay Peninsular to the
island of Singapore. After the British surrendered the remaining forces,
the last four years of the War were spent as P.O.W's. This included Changi
Prison and the infamous Burma railway, due to the brutality of the
Japanese few members of the 8th. returned home to Australia. ( It should
be noted that Gen.Bennett and approx. 1000 others, mainly cooks, mobile
bath units etc. managed to escape prior to the surrender ) Special mention
should be made of the men of the 2/19th and the 2/29th for the rearguard
action and the defence of Singapore Island. After the 50 year ban on
information was lifted it was discovered that this campaign was lost by
the Governments of both Britain and Australia before the first troops
landed and fired a single shot due to ineptitude, poor planning and choice
of Commanding Officers,( both British and Australian) and believing in
their own propaganda about the myth of "Fortress Singapore".
9th Australian Infantry Division, a white Platypus and Boomerang on a
black ground. The Platypus
was taken from the 1937 9d (Nine Penny) Stamp. A brief history- Formed
in 1940, was sent to the Middle East, allocated garrison duties while
the 6th and 7th Divisions were sent to Greece, saw action in the battle
for El Alamein alongside the British 8th. Army. More famously
known as the Rat's of Tobruk, returned to Australia, then on to
New Guinea after being reequipped, and fought against the Japanese in
and around Finschafen, Lae, the Ramu and Markham Valleys and Madang
alongside the 7th
Division. Was later moved to Borneo and saw more action against the
Japanese until the end of the War. The photo on the left is of a 9th.
Division jeep on the beach near Port Moresby, New Guinea.
The 10th. Australian Infantry Division. It's sign was a Snake over
a Boomerang in white on a black ground. I haven't been able to find any
reference to the actual artwork used. A brief history - Was formed
in 1942, it existed for only five months ( April - August) before being
disbanded to save manpower.
The 11th Australian Infantry Division
used a White Palm tree
against a black ground. A brief History - This Division was formed
in December, 1942 at Milne Bay, New Guinea, made up mainly from Milne
Force. Operations include Finisterre Ranges and in New Britain.
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