NOS - Parts Pics (Page 3)
The Images remain the property of their respective owners, and should not be used without the owners consent.
For those afflicted with O.D. fever sometimes when a large NOS item is wrapped up the exciting part is seeing what the part looks like as the the wraps come off after so many years. Thanks to Prem Zizka in the United States, it's now possible to see how things were packed, and how they look when this happens. THE ALEMITE LEVER GREASE GUN #6593 Used under the hoods of jeeps from Early to Mid 1944 up to the end of production.. My Lever Grease Gun before it was re-plated can be seen on the Parts made from the JeepDraw drawings section. After plating, can be seen here. This is "as found", a plain brown wrapped "parcel" Unwrapping the outer to reveal a cosmoline inner covering the Grease Gun. First thing to note is the lever and end caps are painted OD. The tube is plated, as is the spout. AUTO-LITE SPARK PLUGS
For those who have a Ford GPW and follow the MVPA GPW Restoration and Judging
guidelines the sparkplugs listed are Champion QM2, however, as can plainly be
seen in these pics the NOS boxes of Spark plugs carry both the Willys-Overland
MB and The Ford GPW part numbers. Again, following the previous part on the
Alemite Grease Gun, this is a sequence of pics showing the opening of a box of
NOS Plugs. First is the AUTO-LITE Brand. Top View of the Unopened Box End view of the unopened box of 10 Plugs
The instructions become very clear when the Plug is removed from the box . FIRESTONE SPARK PLUGS
The FIRESTONE brand shows a different method of packaging from the AUTO-LITE brand, the outer box is plain,
the instructions are simple, and the - REFERENCE -
Master Parts List TM10-1186 July 1943, Page 75
DE CONTAMINATING APPARATUS M2 (Fyr-Fyter Brand) Another large NOS Item rarely seen in it's original box, the Apparatus comes complete with a single strapped bracket for mounting, and a funnel with strainer mesh attached. The large carton, clearly marked with the contents, and the first piece to be removed. All the items are removed from the carton, Gray with the holding strap much narrower than the ones found on the Fyr-Fyter Fire Extinguisher bracket. Thanks goes to Prem for taking all these shots DE CONTAMINATING APPARATUS M2 (General Detroit Corp. Brand) Another types of De-Contaminators were produced by other manufacturers, below are a few pics of one type, The General Detroit SAFETY PHLARE and it shows the usual condition now found after many years of wear., in this case a decaled M2. Below are some pics of a General Detroit Corp. Safety Phlare M-2 in mint condition found in Portland, Oregon. Note the different mounting bracket compared to the Fyr-Fyter Brand one above. Thanks goes to Robin & Carol Bartel for these pics.
For a write up of "How to do it" and Pics of my General Detroit M-2 reproduction made from a 1.5 qt Fire Extinguisher. Click Here
Prior to the later jeeps being fitted with mounting holes behind the passenger seat, the usual place to mount the Decontaminator was on the left side fender.